Innovating Technologies that will affect the modern culture for close future:

According to the prestigious MIT- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)-

The most 10 Innovating Technologies that will affect the modern culture for the ten coming years are as following :

Brain implants to remediate paralysis

Well; that’s good promise for health…


Self driving Trucks

This could be better with trucks on rails;

If not, self driving could be yet more risky…


paying with eyes prints

When it comes to get lot of money from a bank wicket

things could need some more consistent proves…


yet powerful computers using quantum physics

This means at least that computer civilisation will yet be there for a while…


A full selfie; thatmeans 360 degree…

and also selfie doesn’t seem to be about to moderate…!


more sensible solar cells, and so more energy taken from

This is more hopeful for a green future…


More genetic research about modern hard illnesses

Maybe it’s time to do a review about medicine sciences and their pros and cons


More biologist research about human body

This too needs some new sight to the pros and cons of anyresearch…

More studies about the dangerous effects from the net

This might be very useful to prevent negative repercussions of the net…


And more research to reinforce ways of learning…

And finally, learning is the must and at the utter importance,

so improving methods is helping human to know more and better…

you find details here

However, I hope this resume has given you at least a clear idea about

the trends in research and helped you know, if you are kind of innovator,

to know where to place your genius ideas…

Good luck …

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